
Showing posts from October, 2014

Umar Bin Khattab (RA) - The Greatest Muslim Ruler

Umar bin Khattab, popularly known as Umar Farooq (the Distinguisher between truth and falsehood), was a companion (sahabi) and father-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) . He was the second Caliph of the  Rashidun Caliphate after Abu Bakr (RA). He ruled for ten years and is known as one of the best Muslim rulers due to the expansion of the Islamic State and his social security measures for the well-being of people.  Michael Hart  placed him   in his famous book " The 100 " for his achievements during the caliphate.   Life Before Islam Umar was born in Makkah in 579 AD to the Banu Adi clan of Quraysh. The names of his father and mother were Khattab bin Nufayl and Hantama bint Hisham respectively . He was among the few literate people of Makkah who could read and write. He was tall, well-built, a good wrestler, and athlete. Like many other people of Quraysh, he became a merchant in his early life. He was a strict opponent of Islam before his conver...

Abu Bakr (RA) - The First Ruler of The Rashidun Caliphate

Abu Bakr (RA) was a companion and father-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was also the first Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate. His real name was Abdullah bin Abu Quhafah. His popular name, Abu Bakr (father of a young camel), was due to his love for young camels during childhood. He was a close friend of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) even before the arrival of Islam and among the first ones to embrace Islam. Muslims regard him as the grand companion among the companions ( Sahaba ) of the Prophet (PBUH). Early Life Abu Bakr (RA) was born around 573 AD in Makkah ( Saudi Arabia ) in the clan of Banu Taym (Quraysh tribe). Usman Abu Quhafah was the name of his father, while Salma bint Sakhar was his mother. During his teens, he adopted the occupation of a cloth merchant. He became a wealthy and prominent merchant after some time. Abu Bakr (RA) was among the few literate persons of Makkah. He was fond of poetry and Arab genealogy.  Even before Islam, he disliked alcohol drink...

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

According to Muslim belief, Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is the last prophet of Allah. He spent his whole life spreading the message of Allah. For this purpose, he strived hard and succeeded in spreading the light of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. After his death, his companions and later Muslims spread Islam to far-flung areas of the world. His continuous struggle for a noble cause is a guide for the whole of humanity. Life Before Prophethood In 570 AD, Muhammad (PBUH) was born in Makkah . His father (Abdullah) died before his birth, and he lost his mother (Aamna) when he was just six years old. Later, his grandfather (Abdul Muttalib) and uncle (Abu Talib)  brought him up. At a younger age, he started  trade as an  occupation. At 25 years of age, he married a pious and wealthy woman of Makkah, Khadijah (RA) , who was impressed with his honesty in business.  Life After Prophethood At age 40, Allah revealed the initial verses of the Holy Qur’an t...