Battle of Buzakha - First Victory Against the False Prophethood

The Battle of Buzakha was the first major battle during the Ridda Wars. It was fought between the forces of the Rashidun Caliphate, headed by Khalid ibn al Walid, and followers of the false prophet Tulayha. The self-proclaimed prophet received support from his tribe, Banu Asad, and other rebel tribes. The battle ended with a convincing victory for Muslims and laid the foundation for successful anti-rebel invasions by the Caliphate. Background Most Arabian tribes rebelled against the Caliphate after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Few tribes refused to pay obligatory zakat, while others followed self-proclaimed prophets. Tulayha was one of these false prophets whose claim was well-received by his tribe, Banu Asad. In the initial stages of the rebellion, tribes of Banu Ghatafan, Hawazin, and Tayy surrounded the capital city, Madinah, from two sides (east and northeast) to launch an attack. They were aided by Tulayha. But their initiative failed thanks to surprise attacks by A...