Amr bin Al-As (RA) - The Conqueror of Egypt

Amr Bin al-As (or Amr ibn al-As) was a companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who is particularly known for his conquest of Egypt during the caliphate of Umar bin Khattab (RA). After the martyrdom of the third Caliph Usman (RA), Amr sided with Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan (RA) and became his right-hand man. He was a great political and military figure who played a crucial role during earlier Muslim conquests and later in the survival and rise of the first Ummayad caliph Muawiya. 

Early Life

Amr bin al-As (RA) was born in Makkah in the Banu Sahm clan of the Quraysh tribe around 585 AD. In his youth, he was a trader who visited different trading routes in various parts of Asia and the Middle East, including Egypt. This experience greatly helped him in his later expeditions as a Muslim Commander.

In the early days of Islam, he was an opponent of Islam like most of the people of Quraysh. He was an intelligent person who led the envoy of Quraysh in Abyssinia to bring back the emigrant Muslims but failed to do so despite his intelligence and effort. He also took part in the Battle of Uhud as a commander for Quraysh against Muslims.

Soon after the Treaty of Hudaybiyya, Amr went to Madinah with his friend Khalid bin Waleed (RA), and both embraced Islam in 629 AD (8 AH). It was a very pleasing moment for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Muslims because they were great military commanders who later proved their abilities in the Muslim Conquests during the Rashidun Caliphate.

In 629, Amr (RA) led the Campaign of Dhatas Salasil and remained successful against a large army. This campaign neutralized the effects of the earlier retreat in the Battle of Mutah. He also played an important role in the Islamic conversion of Oman. Their leaders accepted Islam when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent Amr to Oman. He was also made governor of Oman for a short period.

Role during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr & Umar

To stop the Byzantines from helping their Arab allies in the north of the Arabian Peninsula, Caliph Abu Bakr (RA) sent four armies to the northern borders of Arabia. Amr bin al-As was the commander of one of these troops. After the Conquest of Iraq, Khalid bin Waleed joined these armies, which started a campaign for the Conquest of Levant (al-Sham). Amr bin al-As took part in many important battles of this conquest, including the Battle of Ajnadayn, the Siege of Damascus, and the Battle of Yarmouk.

The Conquest of Egypt

After the conquest of the Levant, Amr suggested the second Caliph Umar (RA) for an attack on Egypt to secure the western fronts from the Byzantines. Umar accepted his proposal and made him (Amr) the commander of the campaign of Egypt.

Amr fought three major battles for the Conquest of Egypt. In 640 AD, the Muslim army of 15,000 crushed the larger army of Byzantines at the Battle of Heliopolis, which resulted in their capture of most of Egypt.

In 641 AD, Amr conquered Egypt after the successful Siege of Alexandria. At the end of 645 AD, the Byzantines recaptured Alexandria. However, this occupation lasted only for a few months, as they were defeated again by Amr (RA) in the Battle of Nikiou in 646 AD. For the next 500 years, Byzantines never tried to retake Egypt from Muslims. 

Interior of Mosque of Amr ibn al-As
Amr bin al-As built the first mosque in Africa after the conquest of Egypt

Amr (RA) founded the city of Fustat in 641 AD which was the first capital of Egypt under Muslim rule. He also built the Mosque of Amr bin al-As in Fustat which is the first Mosque not only in Egypt but also in the whole continent of Africa. The mosque is still present in Old Cairo. 

Role During First Fitna

After the martyrdom of the third Caliph Usman (RA), the First Civil War (First Fitna) started in the Islamic world. During this conflict, the people of Iraq and Egypt sided with the fourth Caliph Ali (RA). Still, the people of Hejaz (including Makkah and Madinah) and the Levant demanded punishment for the killers of Usman. They refused to accept Ali as Caliph unless he punished the culprits. Ali restored his authority in Hejaz soon, but the real opposition came from the Levant, where Usman’s cousin Muawiyah (RA) was the governor who refused orders for his removal from the post by Ali.

At that time, Amr (RA) became the right-hand man of Muawiyah and played an important role during the Battle of Siffin (657 AD), fought between Ali and Muawiyya in Syria. First, he managed to stop the battle when Ali’s success was looking close and both sides decided to arbitrate through Holy Qur’an. Secondly, he cleverly paved the way for the rule of Muawiyah after rejecting his removal from the seat while the arbitrator from Ali’s side (Abu Musa al-Ashari) declared the removal of both Ali and Muawiya from the Caliphate.

Later, Ali faced opposition from Kharijites (people among his group). Ali crushed the rebellions of Kharijites in the Battle of Nahrawan (659 AD) but it provided enough time for Amr to retake Egypt from Ali’s governor Muhammad bin Abu Bakr in 658. Amr remained the governor of Egypt from 658 till his death in 664.    

Place in History

Amr bin al-As (RA) was a great Muslim military commander and politician. He conquered Egypt from the Byzantines and played a significant role in the conquests of Syria and Palestine. He also played a vital role during the First Fitna. The rise of Muawiyah (RA) to power mainly depended on his efforts. He is also known as one of the best governors of Egypt.


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