Adolf Hitler - Interesting and Strange Facts

Adolf Hitler is one of the most well-known figures of the 20 th Century thanks to his role in initiating and developing World War 2. He was directly behind the assassination of millions of Jews, Slavs, and other civilians during the war. A lot has been written about the personal and political life of this infamous personality. However, several aspects of his life are still unknown to people. Following are a few of the most interesting and unbelievable facts about Adolf Hitler’s life. Not a German by Birth Hitler was the most aggressive proponent of German nationalism. However, he wasn’t German by birth. He was born in Austria during the last decade of the 20 th Century. He moved to Germany in the early 1920s and renounced his Austrian citizenship in 1925. During his stay in Germany, he legally remained nation-less for seven years. He was given citizenship in Germany in 1932. Long Mo ustaches Hitler is commonly known for having unique toothbrush mustaches. But ...