Juan Ponce de Leon - The First European to Reach the USA

Juan Ponce de Leon was a Spanish explorer and nobleman who also became the first Governor of Puerto Rico under the Spanish Empire. He was the first European to reach Florida (now in the USA), which was also the initial exploration of the mainland USA (area south of Canada and north of Mexico). Early Life Juan Ponce was born in 1474 in the now-Spanish province of Valladolid. During his youth, he took part in the fights against the Muslim rule of Granada for the re-conquest of Spain. Juan Ponce was the first governor of Puerto Rico Arrival in the Americas After the re-conquest of Spain in 1492, the chance of a military expedition in Spain ended for Juan Ponce. Therefore, he decided to go abroad to test his luck. He joined Christopher Columbus for his second voyage to the New World in 1493, along with 1200 men. A fter visiting several islands, their fleet reached the final destination of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola (now the Dominican Republic and ...