
Reasons For Muslim Conquests of the Persian and Byzantine Empires

During the era of the Rashidun Caliphate, Muslim armies fought simultaneously against two superpowers of the time, the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire. These warriors defeated both adversaries and expanded their rule from today’s Iran in the east to Libya in the west and Turkey in the north. During these campaigns against the superpowers of the time, Muslim forces remained victorious in almost every major battle. It is astonishing for many people how a newly formed state achieved these successes in such a short period. It happened even though the Persian and Byzantine empires got assistance from their Arabian vassal tribes and even cooperated against Muslims on some occasions (e.g. the Battle of Firaz near the Iraq-Syria border). Reasons for Early Muslim Conquests Following are some important reasons that made the Early Muslim conquests possible. New Religion The most important factor that enabled the transformation of the people of Arabia from Bedouins to a superpowe

Amr bin Al-As (RA) - The Conqueror of Egypt

Amr Bin al-As (or   Amr ibn al-As ) was a companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who is particularly known for his   conquest of Egypt   during the caliphate of   Umar bin Khattab (RA).   After the martyrdom of the third Caliph   Usman (RA),   Amr sided with   Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan (RA)   and became his right-hand man. He was a great political and military figure who played a crucial role during earlier Muslim conquests and later in the survival and rise of the first Ummayad caliph Muawiya.  Early Life Amr bin al-As (RA) was born in Makkah in the   Banu Sahm  clan of  the Quraysh   tribe around 585 AD. In his youth, he was a trader who visited different trading routes in various parts of Asia and the Middle East, including   Egypt.   This experience greatly helped him in his later expeditions as a Muslim Commander. In the early days of Islam, he was an opponent of Islam like most of the people of Quraysh. He was an intelligent person who led the envoy of Quraysh in   Abyssinia  

Battle of Samugarh - Aurangzeb's Decisive Armed Struggle for Succession

Aurangzeb Alamgir was the last great Mughal Emperor of India. He was one of the few rulers who ruled over almost the entire Indian subcontinent. But his path toward kingship wasn’t straightforward. Emperor Shahjehan, his father and the 5 th Mughal Emperor, had chosen his eldest son, Dara Shikoh, to replace him as emperor after his death. Aurangzeb had to fight against Dara before claiming the throne of the Mughal Empire. A major battle fought between the two brothers was the Battle of Samugarh in 1658. Victory in this battle resulted in the coronation of Aurangzeb. Background The combined forces of Aurangzeb and Murad Baksh (his younger brother) had already defeated Dara Shakoh in a smaller Battle of Dharmat. The two militaries decided to engage once again at Samugarh, 10 km east of Agra. Dara Shikoh had a larger and more powerful military, but Aurangzeb got the advantage of an experienced and battle-hardened army. The Battle The battle of Samugarh started on 29 th May 1658 w

Soviet Failure in Afghanistan - Reasons and Consequences

The USSR invaded Afghanistan in December 1979 to assist the newly formed communist regime. At the time, the Soviet Union was already controlling the neighboring countries of Afghanistan in Central Asia, which made it easier for them to bring their soldiers directly to Afghanistan. Soviet-Afghan War Summary Soon after the invasion, the USSR faced stiff resistance from local freedom fighters, commonly known as Mujahideen, who received diplomatic and military assistance from a majority of Muslim and Western countries. Millions of Afghan civilians took refuge in neighboring countries. The resistance continued with its full force despite all types of cruelty and other possible measures taken by the USSR and its puppet regime in Afghanistan for ten years. The Soviet Union realized in 1986 that they would not achieve military victory in Afghanistan. At that time, they started negotiations with the US and other concerned parties, especially Pakistan. It resulted in severe military and ec

Battle of Mohacs (1526) - Reasons, Consequences, and Importance

The Battle of Mohacs was a decisive battle between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary. It was fought in 1526 and ended with a comprehensive victory for the Ottoman Empire. The result was the disintegration of Hungary and the cessation of long-standing wars between Hungary and the Ottomans. Background The Ottoman Empire was continuously expanding its territory westwards since its inception. In this process, they fought against various Christian kingdoms, including Hungary. The Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary had been at war since the Battle of Nicopolis in 1396. Both adversaries fought separately several times, while Hungary also sided with other Christian nations against the Ottomans on various occasions. Suleyman the Magnificent, the tenth sultan of the Ottoman Empire, continued these advances after his coronation in 1520. He initially captured Belgrade (now in Serbia) from Hungary in 1521. Later, he decided to eliminate this nuisance. He launched an invasio

Battle of Trench - The Final Muslim-Quraysh Battle

  Battle of the Trench (Ghazwa-e-Khandaq) or Battle of the Confederates (Ghazwa-e-Ahzab) was the third and last major battle between Muslims and Quraysh of Makkah. During this battle, Muslims dug a trench around Madinah to save the city from the invasion of Quraysh. Its other name is the Battle of Confederates because several Jewish and Arab tribes allied with Quraysh to uproot Muslims from Madinah. The battle was fought in 5 AH and ended with victory for Muslims as the invaders could not breach the defenses of Madinah despite their extreme effort. Causes of Battle of Trench The Battle of Uhud (3 AH) remained successful for Quraysh, and they decided to destroy the Muslim city-state of Madinah in the next battle as early as possible. They got the chance to invade Madinah two years later in 5 AH after gaining the support of many Arab and Jewish tribes. Jewish tribes of Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nadir were expelled by Muhammad (PBUH) due to their breach of the Charter of Madinah. They were

Battle of Uhud - The Second Muslim-Quraysh Battle

The Battle of Uhud ( Ghazwa-e-Uhud) was the second major battle between Muslims and the Quraysh of Makkah in 3 AH (625 AD). It was fought in the valley of Mount Uhud (north of Madinah). Despite initial gains, Muslims suffered heavy casualties during the battle due to the indiscipline approach of newly converted young Muslims. But this battle remained indecisive as Quraysh could not destroy the city-state of Madinah, and the two armies met again in 5 AH for the Battle of Trench . Causes of the Battle of Uhud The Battle of Badr in 2 AH proved disastrous for Quraysh, during which they lost 70 men, including several tribal chiefs. Now, they were anxious to take revenge for their defeat and reinstate their reputation in Arabia. After the defeat at Badr, the Jews of Madinah also invited Quraysh for another invasion of Madinah and assured their full support for Quraysh against Muslims despite their treaty with Muslims. Jews were feeling pressure due to the gaining of strength by Muslims a